Himali Organic Green Tea

Himali Organic Green Tea


  • स्वास्थ्य लाभ
    शरीरमा भएका विषाक्त तत्वहरु नष्ट गर्दै रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता बृद्धि गरी कब्जियत, ग्याष्टिक, उच्च रक्तचाप, क्यान्सर, मुटु रोग, अरुची, मोटोपन, चिनीरोग लगायतका समस्याहरुमा लाभदायक ।
  • COMPONENTS:Catechins, Flavonoids, Fluorine, Selenium, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Carotene, Caffeine, Glycosides, Magnesium, Minerals.
  • Himalayan Herbal Tea:Introduction:
  • Himali Herbal Tea is a tea which is prepared by the mixture of Bayjadi, Padhamchhal, Sugandhawal, Satuwa, Cassia(Tej Paat), Lemongrass, Ginger and Ghodamachho that is found in the height of about 4500 meter above Himalayan region.Nutritive components found in Tea:
    • 100 gram of mixture of tea contains 15.66 % protein, 9.97% fiber, 60.11% carbohydrate and 8.77% calcium.


    • Use of this tea is useful for gastric, asthma, common cold, cough, fever, obstruction and pollution in blood circulation, obstruction and pollution in urine circulation.

    Methods of preparing tea:

    8 cup of tea can be prepared by boiling 1 liter of water with 75 gram sugar or 25 gram salt with 1 gram of order of this herbal.


Product Description

  • स्वास्थ्य लाभ
    शरीरमा भएका विषाक्त तत्वहरु नष्ट गर्दै रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता बृद्धि गरी कब्जियत, ग्याष्टिक, उच्च रक्तचाप, क्यान्सर, मुटु रोग, अरुची, मोटोपन, चिनीरोग लगायतका समस्याहरुमा लाभदायक ।
  • COMPONENTS:Catechins, Flavonoids, Fluorine, Selenium, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Carotene, Caffeine, Glycosides, Magnesium, Minerals.
  • Himalayan Herbal Tea:Introduction:
  • Himali Herbal Tea is a tea which is prepared by the mixture of Bayjadi, Padhamchhal, Sugandhawal, Satuwa, Cassia(Tej Paat), Lemongrass, Ginger and Ghodamachho that is found in the height of about 4500 meter above Himalayan region.Nutritive components found in Tea:
    • 100 gram of mixture of tea contains 15.66 % protein, 9.97% fiber, 60.11% carbohydrate and 8.77% calcium.


    • Use of this tea is useful for gastric, asthma, common cold, cough, fever, obstruction and pollution in blood circulation, obstruction and pollution in urine circulation.

    Methods of preparing tea:

    8 cup of tea can be prepared by boiling 1 liter of water with 75 gram sugar or 25 gram salt with 1 gram of order of this herbal.



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